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About the Book
Send Out Your Light by Sandra McCracken
In the middle of Psalm 43, God offers us a dynamic invitation: Send out your light.Prolific singer-songwriter Sandra McCracken believes we each have the opportunity to hear and answer this invitation.
This book is written in three parts: part one is the becoming, the creation, how God makes us and gives us an identity. Part two is the disorientation of loss, displacement, and the dark night of the soul. Part three is reorientation, how God brings us through the darkness and illuminates our path with Scripture, sending us out to take the light to others.
This has been the shape of Sandra McCracken’s life. Through it all, songs and Scripture have been there to light the way, helping her respond to God’s call.
How will you respond to God’s call to send out his light?
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About the Author
Sandra McCracken is a prolific songwriter, modern-day hymn writer, and record producer. She is a dynamic performer whose captivating, soulful sound invites audiences to sing along, and moves listeners at the deepest levels. Many of her songs, like “We Will Feast In The House Of Zion” and “Thy Mercy My God,” have settled into regular rotation in Christian worship services internationally, and she has also written songs for All Sons And Daughters, Keith and Kristyn Getty, The Porter's Gate, Ellie Holcomb, The Faithful Project, Rain for Roots, Indelible Grace, Nashville Indie Spotlight, Citizens, ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, and more. Sandra has also been a guest writer for Art House America, She Reads Truth, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, RELEVANT Magazine and more.
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